Sunday, September 30, 2012

Getting to Know Beth

Beth Diehl is the next sister, she currently serves as co-vice president.
Collegiate Chapter and Year Initiated: Grand Valley State University Lambda Eta Fall 2002

Most Memorable AOII Moment: My initiation and the chapter retreat.  (held at Cassie’s parent’s house!).  I loved learning Ritual and had such a great boding time with sisters and became a lot closer with  my pledge class and the whole chapter.
What Does AOII mean to you: AOII is always there, though sisters, words and phrases, symbols and more.  There are things that remind me of AOII daily and I love that. 

Family: Fiancé, Jason.  Jezz- 9, Angela- 2 (3 in November), the pups- Tippy, Ace and Chloe, and the cats- Needles and Kayla. (All rescued pets :) 

I’m a huge dog rescue advocate and volunteer at a local no-kill shelter
I’m a huge Red Wings fan (I’ve even drank out of the Stanley Cup!)

Fitness Director at Spa Southern Highlands
MVP Fitness Co-Owner (Personal Training and exercise information sharing company)

My Dream Vacation would be: Somewhere fun and relaxing where I could have my  family(including the dogs) and extended family that I don’t get to see nearly enough! 

My super power is:
Making dinners that satisfy kids and my meat loving fiance! I’ve mastered splitting a dish in two with meat protein in one and veggie protein in the other.  And  I’m (slowly) starting to write a cookbook!

My greatest Achievement:
Driving across the country with just my dog and cat to move from  Michigan to a job  in California.  Met my man out there and the rest is history! 

Something that no one knows about me is:
Seeing people brush their teeth completely grosses me out.  It’s all I can take not to gag when I help my daughter… 
And, although I’m pretty quiet and shy at first, especially in groups I’m really not!

My favorite food is:
Too many to name!  I’m vegetarian and love to cook and experiment with new recipes.

The 3 things I would want if I was stranded on a desert island are... family, iphone, FOOD

My secret crush is... No secret that  it’s Bret Michaels!

Our next sister will be Stephanie Baldi!

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